Disabled Students in the UK

There is no reason for disabled students not to pursue higher education in the UK. It may still be a challenge, but significant improvements have been made to make sure the university, and its premises, are equally available to everyone. Universities must supply the necessary tools for students living with disabilities. Additionally, it’s imperative that all universities create wheel-chair friendly routes to support movement around the school.

What Are the Rights of a Disabled Student?

Education is fundamental to everyone, whether disabled or not. The UN Convention and the Equality Act 2010 stipulate that all learning institutions in the UK shouldn’t discriminate against disabled students. They learn like other students and access all facilities within the university. There’s an office in every British university that’s set aside for disabled students. This is where they raise concerns about their well-being in and around the campus. Adjustments should always be made to meet the different demands for disabled students, to ensure that they never feel discriminated against.

Loans and Scholarships for Students with Disabilities

As seen in the above sections, the UK education system has various scholarship schemes for students. Disabled students are also not left behind as they too can get financial support, giving them equal opportunities like their non-disabled peers. All UK universities, in collaboration with the government, provide scholarships and loans to disabled students through the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA). The financial support you get mainly depends on the severity of your disability.

DSA funds are only available to UK students, but in Scotland, international students who are also disabled can access loans and scholarships. If you’re a foreign student, be sure to search for scholarships from various sources. Various non-government institutions provide financial support to students with disabilities. You may also contact your university, to check if they’ve any bursaries or grants for international disabled students.